Weekend Round-Up May 30-31 - Sayville Patchogue Moms

One of the coolest things about all of these virtual events is that we can access things happening in places we may not normally visit! This weekend, we can enjoy events brought to you by The Children’s Museum of Manhattan and The Bronx Zoo!

If you would actually like to leave your house, the Sayville Farmers Market is open 9-2 at Islip Grange with social distancing protocols in place!

The Sweetbriar Nature Center is doing a “Birds of Prey Drive Thru” on Saturday to celebrate the birthday of one of their owl’s. Check out the details here.

Also, the Nassau Coliseum is hosting a drive-in movie theater all weekend! Check out the offerings here

Virtual Events

Saturday May 30th

11:00 & 3:00 Virtual Sea Lion Feeding at The Bronx Zoo. You can check it out here

2:00-4:00 Virtual Family Festival by Cool Culture-
The event is free but you need to register here
Join us on on May 30th for an afternoon of art-making, performances and story-telling.
Bring the Cool is an annual family festival hosted by the Brooklyn Museum and Cool Culture, an organization dedicated to provide over 50,000 historically marginalized families free access to a network of 90 premiere museums, historical societies, zoos and botanic gardens.
We hope to see you for live directed drawing, animal-inspired yoga, interactive storytelling and a virtual dance party from 2-4 pm!

All day: Storytime Saturday’s by Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Check it out here

Sunday May 31st

All day: Surprise Sunday’s by Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Check it out here

In the Kitchen

Make some ice cream! Here are ten ice cream recipes- no ice cream machine needed! Find them here

Have Fun!

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