Blog | Sayville Patchogue Moms

Daylight Savings Sleep Tips from Sleep, Rest and Play

If you are anything like me every time Daylight Savings Time comes around I go into panic mode and worry it is going to throw my toddler’s sleep into a tail spin. Baby and toddler sleep feels so fragile that even the slightest of hiccups can derail everything...

Meet Jacqueline of Spread the Grub!

How Many Children do you have and how old are they? One. Her name is Maya and she is 2 1/2 How long have you lived in the area? What made you decide to live here? We have lived in Holbrook for a little over 2 years now. We were looking to move out of the city when our...

Our Top 5 Favorite Places to Play on Rainy/Cold Days

We all have those days: its raining, your kids are literally bouncing off the walls and you have to take them somewhere to get their energy out before you all loose your minds. We are here to share our top 5 places to go to spend a rainy morning or a blustery winter...

Introducing Cerebelly: a Nutritious New Baby Food Brand

We want to take a minute to introduce you to Teresa Purzner, the accomplished mom of three who recently launched Cerebelly, an amazing new baby food brand. When she couldn’t find a product that was both convenient and had the nutrition she was looking for, she...

Quick Dinners for Families on the Go by Whatcha Cooking Good Looking?

One of the biggest requests from the Mamas that follow me on Social Media is for quick dinners.  Trust me sisters…I get it! The Busy Mom Life struggle is real! I truly believe that we are superheroes…move over Wonder Woman, we got this. But I know that anyone trying...

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